Wednesday, January 29, 2014


This was a trip into Manhattan I made with my daughter and her good friend in November 2012. We actually went in one day just to check out Pratt school of design in Brooklyn and then again to the Beacon theater one night to see Grace Potter and have dinner. We had a blast!

Metro park train station.

Random building down by the Seaport.

Construction of freedom tower.

South Street near the bridge.

Crowded bike rack outside Pratt institute.

Near the Seaport

Moira, on that cold day down by the water.

Who could forget?

The old train station and Liberty State Park where you can take the ferry across to Ellis Island. This station closed down in 1968. All the local trains from Pa. and Jersey would 'dead head' here and then the commuters would pile onto the ferries and head across the river to lower Manhattan. My great Grandfather was station master here at one point.

Not sure what this is. It was just off Jersey City.

Heading toward the Brooklyn Bridge along the water.

Jersey City from lower Manhattan.

A better shot of the train and Ferry station from Manhattan.

The old broad guarding the harbor as Frank Sinatra would say.

Winter sky through the willows.

Moira and Leah, wow, what a chilly day that was.

Sculpture down by Battery Park

Give that man a hand.

Custom perch.

A corner of the Battery.

Battery park down by the water.

WWII Veteran's Memorial down near Battery Park

Chopper rides near the park

Closer to the bridge and the Seaport.

Pretty construction shot by the Seaport.

One of the ships in the Seaport

The sign says it all.

Just outside the Pratt Institute, we stopped for a little photo shoot.

Just outside the little restaurant we stopped at for lunch.

Moira and Leah shopping for hats.

Thai lunch in Brooklyn

More winter skies in Brooklyn

Fruit stand and no refrigeration needed.

Building just inside Brooklyn

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